
Friday, March 11, 2011

Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

rasenye x keterlaluan tuk kate nila cite melayu paling hebat yg pernah aku tgk..Love u la Stephen Rahman-Hughes!also KRU, penerbit terhebat kat Malaya ni..Rase mcm tgk cite Hollywood pun ade gak, klu ade org ygkomen cite ni kearah -ve terpulang la.. tapi aku lebih nmpk yg +ve..x taw nak cakap, mmg bes.. klau cite ni bawak ke luar negara mesti ramai gak yg puji.. tetibe rasa bangga yg amat, bile anak melayu dpt hasilkan cite yg bes cam ni..u're the best KRU. kpd sume tgk la cite ni, sape lg nak skong cite melayu klu bukan mlayu yg sokong.. lg pun berbaloi rasenye..dpt tahu sejarah melayu, lain dri klu kite bace kat buke, klu dari filem lebih jelas..

nak detail lebih lanjut klik sini k..

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wishlist 2011

My first mission is finding for a job!! After just lepaking2 at home. Now it is  most suitable time to find a job. I wanna b career woman, just like above picture. Arggrh,  it been so hard to find engineer women  or women involved in construction in clip art picture then im stuck with like pic below. absolutely I want b that women, not that

its not my dream car. but as long as i can get a car that help me for my daily purposes, its ok..klu dpt kete kecik2 pun ok ga kan, jgn kete mainan sudah.. tapi klu da x mampu beli je la kete mainan asal dpt fulfill wishlist..jadi la kan..

really miss to use lappie..  prefer pc than lappie actually. my pc sgtlah helpful during my studied. but, it easier if i have my own lappie.. can bring it wherever i go..but, dunt worri Mr. PC, u're will be my precious things ever! cos it really2 more fun to watch korean vid with

this 1, fujifilm instax mini 7s agak lame jugak la da berkenan nye.. cause many of Korean artist used it! esp nichkhun.. that makes me want to have it..funny rite?? just wait for me! i'll grab u..
cam bes je kan klu dpt dslr..tgk org pakai, just like professional.. but, i think i shuld take attend a class to use it.. after this i can capture this n that.. since my camera already broken :( i shuld make a fast track to own this1..

lastly, BINOCULAR aka TEROPONG.. hahaha~ guest.. why i need it??........................
 no idea?? its for..... teropong korean artis la wei.. bab klu ade korean artist yg dtg sini nak wat konsert ke fan meet ke? leh r gune kan.. leh nmpk lebey jelas.. huhuhu~

setelah penat type.. tetibe terpk, leh ke dpt sume2 ni erk?? Insyaallah bak kate Maher Zain n Nothing Impossible bak kate Adidas.. kpd sume2.. doakan la ye.. nnti klu ade lagi wishlist yg terbaru akan ku update.. somoga 2011 ni akan lebih baek dari tahun2 sebelum nye..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Study or Work??

i feel sooo excited when i got an offer for master.. but i actually dunt knw what shuld i do.. i just check for the offer today n shuld register tomorrow..  so many thing need to do..but im so tired rite now.. im i can finish my master on time n successfully??how about work?? im 24 rite now... suppose i  have own money.. can i study n work at the same time?? i really dunt know.. can i focus on my study and do part time job whatever??? but if i not accept the offer i just lepak2 kat umah w/out any job.. so hard to find job rite now rite?? org kate bab ni ujung tahun company bnyk da tutup acc.. may b awal tahun bnyk la kot jawatan kosong.. pls pray for me!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tamatlah Sudah

cant believe that i just finish my responsible as its time for find job!!
im gonna miss my student life, kwn2 yag bnyk sgt2 membantu sepnjng pengajian (dip n degree).. thnx to all..pas ni mesti lg susah n mencabar.. keje, deal ngan org..TAKUT! tapi bes gak klu keje bab dpt pegang duet..
klu asek bergelar student besalah, pokai menanjang, nak minta duet kat ibu da segan.. bab umor yg sepatutnye da keje taaapi still study..*maksudnye x berduet la..hahaha~
hahah~~ segan gak bile kuar nagn member skola, memasing da keje, tapi aku.... study lagi..
bile member tanye ko keje mane??
"x keje lagi weh, aku study.." rase cam idup tuk study lak.. hahaha~
tapi kini aku da abis study..
nak cari keje!!! tapi rase sgt2 syg nak tinggal kan title student la plak..
paling bes time kat arau.. bab wat degree ni dok umah, jadi lebih bnyk mase ngan family.. nagn kwn bile kat klass je..or time nak siapkan assgnment. sgtlah jrg nak kuar jejln ngan kwn.. sory ye kwn2..klu dorg wat xtiviti, agak jarng gak la nak join, cos to me family the most important.. well im a family women..klu kat arau dlu aku la yg paling suke jln, org ajak kuar je 'ON' sentiase... tapi yg penting aku kenal n  igt sume kwn2 aku..
w/pun dorg kkdg2 cam x sedar kewujudan aku..tapi its ok for me.. plus, pas ni klu ade artis dari korea dtg malaysia aku nak g!!!
bab bile da keje, ade duet sendiri. x payah nak minta kat ibu lg....
lastly, thx soooo much to all esp arwah abah, ibu,kakak, eda n nis..sayang korg sgt2..n to all my fens spjg pengajian syg korg gak..pls pray for my succes..amin~

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Final Exam!

just finish Engineering Project & Resources Management paper..
1 more to go!!
study 2 days for 1 subject???
seems impossible.....
need to focus 2days more for g/water paper..
wish me luck!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Still 2:00pm

just received my cd from MyHottest..
thnx alot MyHottest...
now i just complete my 2pm's album...
this is the list of 2PM's album that i had:

  1. Hottest Time of the Day 
  2. 2:00PM Time for Change
  3. Thailand Special Edition
  4. 01:59PM
  5. Don't Stop Can't Stop
  6. Still 2:00pm

this will be my precious collection ever..
i really love u, 2PM!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Mix-Style Headphones!

My Mix-Style Headphones!

pic above is my Mix-Style Headphones..

really excited about this ones..proud be 1 of Mix-Style owner..^_^
many of Korean artist used it..

korean artist that used Mix-Style Headphones!
  1. Uknow Yunho(DBSK)
  2. Lee Minho (Boys over flower)
  3. YoonA (SNSD)
  4. Lee Dong Hae (Suju)
  5. and  many more.....